iHuman Assignment Guides

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Nina Adams iHuman Case Study Week 3 (45 y/o with Fatigue & Arm Weakness)


NURS 6512 Week 3 Nina Adams iHuman Case Study (45 y/o with Fatigue & Arm Weakness)

Class 6512 iHuman Week 3 CC: Fatigue and Arm Weakness.  Patient Reports a short bout of diplopia of around 8 weeks ago spontaneously resolved after 2 hours. Physical Examination shows is positive for left eye 20/200 vision, optic disk edema and pallor, right arm weakness (4/5) and decreased tactile sensation.


  • Virtual patient encounter for NURS 6512
  • Focus on fatigue and arm weakness assessment
  • Detailed patient history and examination
  • Accurate Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
  • Expert Feedback screenshots

Get the Nina Adams iHuman Case Study (45 y/o female with arm weakness) for iHuman Week 3 Class 6512


45 y/o female with arm weakness iHuman Answers -Patient arrives at the emergency room with complaints of fatigue and progressive weakness in her right arm and hand.

Key Case Features:

✅ Chief Complaint: Fatigue and progressive weakness in the right arm and hand
✅ History of Present Illness: Symptoms developed gradually over two months, with worsening numbness and tingling affecting daily tasks
✅ Occupational Impact: Heavy lifting and repetitive movements have become increasingly difficult
✅ Past Medical History: Hypertension managed with hydrochlorothiazide, no recent hospitalizations


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